Rescue efforts in Turkiye continue

Global rescue efforts are ongoing as the death toll from the earthquakes in Turkiye and Syria continue to rise.

International aid includes the deployment of fire and rescue personnel and equipment from some of the largest fire departments in the world to aid Turkish and Syrian forces amongst the destruction. Some of these staff have come from London Fire Brigade and Cheshire Fire and Rescue, among many others from the UK.

Last week the centre of Turkiye and bordering Syria were throttled by a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake which reduced many population centres to rubble, many of them constructed within the last ten years. This was followed by another 7 magnitude earthquake – eliciting shock from many seismologists as an unprecedented occurrence – which aided in bringing near-total destruction across the entire country. The World Health Organisation has dubbed the natural disaster the “worst in the century”, as the current death toll exceeds 37,000 lives. The widespread devastation is in part due to the epicentre being in central Turkiye, and bordering Syria, in an area that already struggles with financial and infrastructural stability.

To further add complication to the matter, Turkiye Prime Minister Erdogan has faced backlash from the general public after a statement he made in 2019, claiming that he allowed builders to evade codes and legislation put in place to protect these buildings from earthquakes.

Many brave and selfless individuals continue to offer their aid from across the world, from all backgrounds, in a noble humanitarian effort to help those who need it most. If you or someone you know is on the front lines or involved in the rescue effort, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Fire Buyer would love to have your input. Stay safe.

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