Fire Integrity Enhances Project Management Precision with PlanRadar

PlanRadar, a digital platform for construction, real estate, and facilities management, announces its adoption by Fire Integrity, a front-runner in fire safety and passive fire protection services.

PlanRadar’s cutting-edge software will bolster Fire Integrity’s offering to some of the UK’s largest principal contractors, resulting in greater operational efficiency, enhanced project management capabilities and better quality documentation and reporting.

The software is set to revolutionise how Fire Integrity conducts its surveys, installations and reporting by offering a seamless digital approach. The tech upgrade will help address the major sticking points that principal contractors face, with greater accuracy around fire safety checks and compliance as well as swift, easy management of crucial fire safety data.

Responding directly to the  Fire Safety Act 2021 and Building Safety Act 2022, the platform enables Fire Integrity’s clients to maintain a robust digital record, achieving the ‘Golden Thread’ of information with simplicity and ease.

Commenting on the partnership, PlanRadar UK Director, Rob Norton says, “Fire safety is under the microscope, with watertight inspection processes and thorough reporting non-negotiable. Fire safety surveying can be incredibly labour-intensive and requires the highest levels of accuracy. That’s why we are working closely with Fire Integrity to develop one of the most comprehensive fire safety documentation management platforms on the market, constantly updating it through a raft of enhancements.”

The decision to introduce this solution came after Fire Integrity recognised the need to modernise its data management and reporting processes.

As Chris Payne, Technical Director at Fire Integrity confirms, “The previous platforms we used were inefficient, especially in the seamless transfer of on-site data to back-office systems, which was sluggish, long-winded and open to error. PlanRadar’s solutions have been a breath of fresh air. They understand the pain points for our clients and have created software that helps manage vast amounts of data with ease. Importantly, it’s helped our clients with reporting and documentation management, which can cause real administrative headaches without the right systems in place.”

Previously arduous tasks are now effortless thanks to PlanRadar’s software, significantly reducing the time and resources spent on creating detailed fire safety reports and managing documentation. This means the Fire Integrity team can now concentrate on their core competencies and deliver exceptional service. Team members are able to walk through a building and record voice notes, rather than having to stop and make notes on paper, or draw on in-app bespoke fire safety reports based on collected data, including fire risk assessments, surveys, safety checklists, EWS1 forms and passive fire protection needs.

PlanRadar stood out for its ability to offer a comprehensive, one-stop solution for Fire Integrity’s extensive needs, including survey work, record keeping of remedial work and the generation of reports for stakeholders and C-Suite team members.

Payne concludes: “PlanRadar will transform our operations for the better. This innovative tool promises to eliminate many of the frustrations we’ve previously faced, meeting our immediate needs and significantly boosting productivity and efficiency as we continue to grow.

See our last issue here.

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Rebecca Spayne Managing Editor, International Fire Buyer
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