FIA Guide wins Commercial Partnership Award

The FIA are delighted to reveal that the FIA Guide won the Commercial Partnership of the Year Award.

The Guide was published for the first time in December 2021 and acts as an annual publication, which provides key insights into the UK’s fire sector and incorporates the findings of the FIA’s Market Conditions Report, which itself examines the current trends within the fire industry. It also includes case studies and best practices, while also introducing the latest innovations in the sector.

Commenting on the Award, FIA CEO Ian Moore said:

“It is a great honour for the Fire Industry Association (FIA) to win the PPA Award for the FIA Guide in collaboration with Fire Safety Matters. It was a real joint effort to produce this and is a testament to our productive and valuable working relationship. We are glad that the FIA Guide, which serves as an informative document, has been recognised for the value it brings to the fire safety industry. For us, the FIA Guide is a fantastic way to communicate with our members and the wider industry, in informing them of the work we undertake in our Councils, such as producing guidance and contributing to standards, and through our training that continues to improve the competency of fire safety professionals, and how our Membership team supports the FIA members.

Finally, I would like to personally thank the staff of the FIA who are all subject matter experts in their field and worked tirelessly on producing this high-quality and informative guide. We are looking forward to delivering the 2023 FIA Guide with FSM to the fire industry in the coming weeks.”

Western Business Media CEO Mark Sennett adds: “We are thrilled to have won this award and are proud of our partnership with the FIA. “A lot of hard work goes into producing the Guide and it’s a real team effort. But we couldn’t have done it without the fantastic support of our readers, advertisers and contributors. “So, thank you to all who supported the FIA Guide, and we are excited that the FIA Guide 2022-23 is about to be delivered to all FIA Members and FSM readers!”

To read more news and exclusive features see our latest issue here.

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