More care homes not compliant with regulation

More care homes not compliant with regulation

It has been announced that care homes around London have failed fire safety standards carried out by the London Fire Brigade (LFB), with Bromley and Croydon topping the list of the most homes not following regulation.
Regional data found that of 1,226 fire safety audits carried out in London since June 2017, 51 were served an enforcement notice and 498 received a notice of deficiencies. Topping the list, Bromley had 71 care homes that failed to meet fire safety standards and Croydon had 44, amounting to one in three not being compliant.
Nonetheless, the Mayor of London commented that the majority of care homes were found to be “broadly compliant” with fire safety standards.
As of March 2019, the LFB conducted follow up visits at 30 care homes that received an enforcement notice, with the remaining 21 sites to be checked in the near future, giving operators an opportunity to fix the problems.
The information was made available following a written question to the Mayor of London submitted by Labour Assembly Member Andrew Dismore.
Labour member Tom Copley told Inside Croydon, “It is very concerning that some of the most vulnerable Londoners are being put at risk in this way. These inspections carried out by the LFB have been vital in highlighting not only a local issue but one that urgently affects the whole of our capital.
“Care homes have a duty of care to their residents. It is vital they co-operate fully with the LFB to get their fire safety standards up to scratch and take all possible measures to prevent any future tragedies.”

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