FLAIM training at Newcastle Airport

FLAIM Trainer has recently been announced as part of a cutting-edge training facility for firefighters at Newcastle International Airport’s Training Academy.

Newcastle International Airport is the UK’s first to invest in FLAIM Trainer – a revolutionary multi-sensory virtual reality firefighting technology. The FLAIM Trainer represents a quantum leap in immersive learning, delivering realistic fire physics in virtual emergency scenarios for firefighters to train on – with the benefit of removing danger, and having no carbon emissions from setting-controlled fires.

With a diverse array of over 60 environments and thousands of training hours, this new virtual training enhances real-world training because it can be carried out anywhere, any time. Trainees can wear their full firefighting gear and build muscle memory, while receiving real-time feedback from instructors.

What’s more, this aligns perfectly with Newcastle International Airport’s Net Zero Carbon 2035 roadmap, as it dramatically reduces the need for environmentally taxing real fire scenarios.

At the heart of this transformation is FLAIM and HTC VIVE, using cutting-edge VIVE Pro 2 headsets deliver unparalleled immersion, propelling trainees into a world of realism and experiential learning. Through this collaboration, HTC VIVE is helping shape the future of firefighting training and emergency response. Newcastle International Airport joins the likes of Rio Tinto, the US Air Force, and NASA in using FLAIM.

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