CAST-PRO the future of fire detection

C-TEC’s Marketing Manager, Andy Green, discusses why the UK based life safety systems manufacturer believes CAST-PRO, its new range of fire detection and alarm devices, is the real deal 

The phrases, ‘Proven false alarm reduction’, ‘Protection from fire like never before’, ‘The greatest fire detector in the world’, are significant claims but they are statements C-TEC passionately believes apply to our new CAST-PRO range of fire detection and alarm devices. 

Conceived over a decade ago, enhanced numerous times along the way and now delivered, CAST-PRO is a British designed and built, fully EN 54 parts 3, 5, 7, 17, 23, 29 and 31 certified heat, smoke and CO fire detector with a tone or voice sounder and onboard visual alarm device.  

Packed full of features, many of them patented, our comprehensive beta testing regime confirmed to us some time ago that CAST-PRO doesn’t just reduce installation costs, it reduces false alarms effectively, detects real fires reliably and indicates true alarm conditions decisively. With third-party certification now complete, we are delighted to announce CAST-PRO is available to purchase today. 

What’s so special about CAST-PRO? 

At the heart of the CAST-PRO design is the MASC miniature advanced smoke detection chamber. Featuring computer designed airflow layers and a revolutionary non-focal non-linear prismatic angular bandpass filter (pictured) which facilitates multiple path detection, it was specifically designed to allow space for reliable Heat and CO detection, a 92 dB(A) tone or 86 dB(A) voice sounder AND a C-3-9.4 visual alarm device – all in the same attractive, compact device.  

How does the MASC smoke chamber work? 

The patented MASC smoke detection chamber filters out unwanted light caused by contamination but directs wanted light from smoke particles using multiple paths directly towards CAST-PRO’s light sensor. Contamination ridges absorb stray light and serve as an effective dust trap and parabolic reflector to reflect light from contamination away from the sensor. This unique approach means lots of contamination can be tolerated before drift compensation needs to work, significantly increasing the life of the detector. This, combined with CAST-PRO’s powerful false alarm rejection algorithms, which recognise non-fire events but still track real fire signals means false alarms are massively reduced whilst ensuring real alarms are acknowledged quickly, especially if CAST-PRO’s additional fire sensing functions are utilised. As a result, CAST-PRO is a game-changer for sites prone to false alarms, including, for example, industrial sites, hotels or houses of multiple occupation. 

What else can CAST-PRO detect? 

As well as detecting smoke, our fully loaded CAST-PRO device features heat and CO fire detection allowing it to operate in one of 12 different modes (see Table 1) and for its operation to be tailored, not just to the environment, but to specific risks.  

CAST-PRO is inherently flexible and can provide everything you need to satisfy the fire safety requirements of today’s complex multi-purpose buildings. 

Protection at all times 

CAST-PRO’s Test mode does not change a detector’s settings so devices do not need reconfiguring when testing is complete. Whilst testing is underway our CAST-PRO devices will continue to work in their normal detection mode, so if a real fire occurs elsewhere on the Zone being tested a full alarm will trigger. This ensures the site is always protected properly. Indeed, this feature actually facilitated the speedy extinguishing of a real fire in a zone under test at one of our beta test sites! 

The future of fire detection and ALARM DEVICES is here! 

CAST-PRO isn’t just a fire detector – it is an alarm device too. Take your pick from a 92dB(A) tone or 86dB(A) voice sounder with or without a C-3-9.4 white VAD or an O-C-1.9-4 red VAD. With 32 tones or 6 synchronised voice messages to choose from, CAST-PRO uses just one address and is very efficient from a current consumption point of view, even when in full alarm. 

Considerable cost savings 

Having detection and alarm functionality in one device means considerable time and cost savings on installation. To illustrate this, we recently carried out a comparison exercise which revealed installation cost savings of 10-15% on a CAST-PRO system versus a typical addressable system with separate detection and alarm devices (based on 100 detectors, 30 sounders & 10 VADs)…

To read the full article, see our last issue here.

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Rebecca Spayne Managing Editor, International Fire Buyer
Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 920

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