Who’s Who – MEIKO

Supporting and prioritising the health of emergency workers for over a decade, MEIKO provides cleaning and disinfection solutions for respiratory equipment 

For more than 10 years, MEIKO has been committed to the health of emergency workers. So that they can protect themselves in the best possible way from carcinogenic burn-off residues, MEIKO is at their side with premium equipment for reprocessing their respiratory protection equipment. 

The company develops solutions for material-friendly cleaning and disinfection with firefighters for firefighters. MEIKO is an expert in planning respiratory protection workshops. Every fire brigade works differently, so all planning projects are also individual and unique. Yet, one thing is always the same: the safety of the breathing apparatus attendants always has the highest priority. Because they are exposed to the carcinogenic residues on the personal protective equipment (PPE) during reprocessing. 

For a decade, TopClean M by MEIKO has been a real help for every respiratory protection attendant: with up to 65% less time required compared to manual procedures, the device protects the material of respiratory masks, regulators, and self-contained breathing apparatus during reprocessing. It also scores with less consumption of chemicals, water, and energy. 

The new MEIKO Protect product portfolio considers the multi-stage process in the respiratory protection workshop and maps it completely mechanically.  

With TopClean D, machine pre-cleaning of masks, self-contained breathing apparatus, cylinders and pneumatics is now possible. Patented mask heads in the unit prevent soot from getting into the inside of the mask during pre-cleaning.  

With mechanical pre-cleaning, disinfection can be carried out in the shortest programme (approximately six minutes) of the TopClean H. The unit cleans and disinfects respirators in a safe process with a significant increase in efficiency and performance. In addition, the TopClean H enables very gentle, lift-free – ergonomic – loading and, in terms of planning, offers the outstanding possibility of black/white separation by the unit itself. 

Thanks to the completely device-supported workflows, MEIKO reduces the risk of breathing apparatus attendants encountering harmful residues during their work. 

From the planning of a respiratory protection workshop to service, advice on chemistry and validation, and training in the company’s own academy, fire brigades have a competent partner at their side in MEIKO Protect. They benefit from the know-how of the long-established company, which consistently considers the aspects of ergonomics, occupational safety, economy, and sustainability in its solutions – for the benefit of the respirator wearers and the equipment attendants. With one goal in mind: to protect lives. 

All employees at MEIKO are united by one spirit: the strive for quality – recognisable by the durability of the products and the high level of customer satisfaction. The round M stands for “Made by MEIKO” and is a symbol of the high-quality standard. It is the guarantee for clean solutions. Every time. All over the world. MEIKO is a company that always keeps an eye on the big picture, constantly striving to meet the needs of people, nature, and the environment. 

Englerstr. 3, D-77652 Offenburg, Germany 

+49 781 203-0  





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