Quelfire wins multiple London Construction Awards

About two months ago, Quelfire shared the good news that they had been shortlisted in two categories of the London Construction Awards.

On Friday 23 September, when the awards ceremony took place, they asked you to keep your fingers and toes crossed for them.

Over 350 guests from all sectors in the industry came together including suppliers, contractors, architects, civil engineers, developers, housebuilders, local authorities and more.

The event was a celebration of the achievements, development and innovations of companies and individuals, and their contribution to moving the construction industry forward, over the course of the year.

Winners from twenty categories were announced by award-winning comedian Simon Brodkin and it was said that “the range of companies that entered were incredibly diverse and reflected the strength of the London construction industry.”

Quelfire are delighted to announce that they won in both of their categories: Supplier of the Year and Fire Safety Solution of the Year 2022!

Supplier of the Year category:

This award category was aimed at any supplier in the built environment that has demonstrated success, innovation, or notable achievement in the past 12 months.

This is what the judges had to say about why they selected Quelfire as the winner:

“We were impressed with this submission as they weren’t just shouting about good customer service (surely every supplier should be doing this?). They also spoke about putting profit back into research and development, the tech support they offer and how they educate the industry. The latter is significantly needed.

“Quelfire is operating successfully in one of the most contentious ends of the industry. Where many have shied away from fire-related matters and insurers exclude many companies from operating in this sphere, Quelfire is providing a solution with not only their products but also with training, thereby raising the competency of the industry.”

Fire Safety Solution of the Year category:

This award category recognises excellence and innovation in solutions for fire safety.

The judges notes for this category read:

“Quelfire provided a great submission for their QuelStop Firestopping system. Their submission talked about their solution, what it does and what makes them different from their competitors. This is really important when submitting something like this as there were lots that didn’t stand out from the crowd.

“The QuelStop System is different as it offers a wide range of tested details; it has value-added services; and an early engagement approach to help clients design and install the system in a compliant way.”

Quelfire would like to say a heartfelt thank you to all the judges, who recognised how passionate they are about contributing to a positive cultural change and safer buildings by providing primary test data for real life scenarios; providing support for compliant design and installation of our firestopping solutions; educating the industry and, as they are known to say, ‘doing it right, the first time around!’

And, a huge well done to all other winners and deserving nominees.

The whole team at Quelfire, from management to production, are equally passionate about what they do, which is Protecting People and Property.

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