Product Spotlight – Marine3

Marine3 Fire is a biodegradable, mineral-based wetting agent from Mosmart UK. Independently tested and CE marked for use on all Class A fires, Marine3 Fire uses less water to extinguish fires up to 80% faster 

Marine3 Fire is a saline-based solution, free of harmful chemicals, which contains a unique blend of biodegradable surfactants. When added to water, it reduces the water’s surface tension, enabling greater penetration and saturation of combustible materials, and significantly cooling the temperature. As a result, Marine3 Fire extinguishes fires significantly faster than water alone, and uses less water to do so. It also reduces smoke and toxic emissions, and helps to prevent reignition. In addition, since it contains natural materials, there is no chemical run-off. 

Tried and tested 

Marine3 Fire underwent testing at the Fire Services College in Moreton-in-Marsh, to see how it would perform on a range of Class A fires. In controlled conditions and using the same firefighting techniques, tests were undertaken on a car fire, a tyre fire, a straw fire and a timber fire, comparing the Marine3 Fire solution with water alone. In all four scenarios, Marine3 Fire significantly outperformed water in time taken to extinguish the fires, and reignition was prevented. In many instances, it also demonstrated a significant reduction in smoke and toxic emissions: a crucial factor both for firefighter health and for the environment.  


Marine3 Fire is particularly effective for preventing, controlling and extinguishing wildfires. It provides deeper water penetration and faster suppression, helping to contain wildfires quickly and prevent reignition.  

The properties of Marine3 Fire enable firefighters to suppress fire using considerably less water. This is particularly useful for wildfires, which often occur in places where access to water supplies for firefighting can be scarce. 

It can also be used preventatively, by saturating specific areas to help create protective barriers, and by strengthening crucial firebreaks and firefighter escape routes. 

Waste fires 

Similarly, Marine3 Fire is especially useful for tackling waste fires at landfill and recycling centres. Waste fires are notoriously difficult to contain, since they occur amongst deep layers of highly combustible material. Like wildfires, they can take days to extinguish, and often require huge volumes of water. 

The deeper water penetration created by the Marine3 Fire solution can help to saturate much larger volumes of waste, extinguishing fire and preventing smouldering material from reigniting. It can also be used regularly by waste management companies as a precautionary measure to dampen large volumes of waste and prevent fires occurring. 

Easy to use 

Marine3 Fire can be added directly to the main fire engine water tank or portable pump system and delivered through the hose in the same way as water alone. It is compatible with most firefighting equipment, including in-line inductors, round the pump proportioners and pick up tubes, with no additional equipment required.  Since the optimal solution for Class A fires is just 1%, relatively small quantities of the Marine3 Fire concentrate will go a long way. As a result, this product is very cost-effective and easy to introduce.  

For further information, and to view official test videos from the Fire Services College, visit: or find us on LinkedIn:  

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