Mobitech knows what you really need to know

New developments in vehicle technology increase complexity &
potential safety risks for emergency services.

In the automotive industry new developments and technologies are evolving quickly.

The use of high-strength steel, reinforcements and numerous safety restraint systems in modern vehicles provide excellent protection of the occupants during a crash.

Due to all these builtin safety systems the occupant survival rates during traffic incidents has increased significantly. Also, vehicles are more and more often equipped with alternative propulsion systems, making them environmental friendly due to their low emission.

After the crash however, all these new technologies present new
safety hazards and challenges to the emergency services when
responding to the incident and extricate occupants trapped in the

Not only the safety restraint systems like airbags and belt pretensioners, but also the new environmental friendly propulsion
systems present new safety risks.

What does a first responder need to know when such a vehicle is involved in an accident?

What exactly are the challenges and hazards that such vehicles present?

What knowledge is required to respond safely and effectively, but
most important, what knowledge is irrelevant and overkill?

It is the mission of Moditech Rescue Solutions B.V. to provide the relevant tools and skills required to effectively respond to today’s traffic incidents around the world.

The solution: Know what’s inside with the Crash Recovery System®!

Moditech Rescue Solutions B.V. has recognised the need of an effective and practical solution for these challenges at a very early

Back in 2003, this awareness led to the development and introduction of the Crash Recovery System®: a mobile vehicle safety information database available for virtually every laptop or tablet PC in 18 languages.

Using this information system at the scene of the accident, emergency services can quickly and easy access all relevant information about the vehicle’s safety systems and propulsion type.

Moditech Rescue Solutions B.V. offers emergency services the missing link in emergency response: digital vehicle information.

The selection of the correct vehicle model is automated by entering
the license plate or VIN number. Using any mobile (3G) internet
connection, the correct vehicle model is then selected within seconds.

As a backup method in case the mobile network is unavailable, manual selection of the vehicle model is always possible as all vehicle data is stored on the local hard drive.

Immediately after completing the selection, an interactive and model-specific top- and side view graphic is displayed on the screen.
Depending on the country, right hand drive or left hand drive vehicles are available in the database.

The interactive top- and side view of the vehicle displays all hazardous vehicle safety components as well as other relevant items such as the battery, fuel tank, windshields, etc. in a single window. In the case of a vehicle with alternative propulsion, a notification screen is automatically displayed.

In addition, all required deactivation procedures for quick and safe
immobilisation of the vehicle are shown.

In the graphic display, component information and possibly, deactivation instructions, are easily accessible by clicking on the component of choice in the diagram.

With this unique functionality, the Crash Recovery System® ensures an efficient and safe extrication process and supports first responders in choosing the best and safest methods.

Moditech Rescue Solutions B.V. maintains a close cooperation
with all major car manufacturers, resulting in an unmatched online
update frequency of our data for the Crash Recovery System®.

Moditech Rescue Solutions B.V. has a worldwide network of experts
from the rescue and car industry who is continuously preparing
the required information and make this available at the same time
a new vehicle model is available on the market.

Editions and options

The Crash Recovery System® software is available in five editions:
the ‘Lite edition’, the ‘Standard edition’, the ‘RDW edition’, the ‘VIN
edition’ and the ‘Web edition’. All editions feature manual selection
of the vehicle through make, model, type and year of the vehicle.
The Lite edition provides vehicle models and graphics containing
danger zones and safety component locations only and is updated
once a year.

The Standard edition includes danger zones, locations, deactivation procedures and digital photos of all relevant safety components.

With the RDW edition, vehicles selection is automated using the
license plate number (only available in certain countries, see our
website for a full list of countries included).
The VIN Edition is currently available for the North American
market only.

It allows the selection of the vehicle by entering or scanning the 17-digit VIN number.

The Web edition provides real-time internet access to the Crash
Recovery System® database. With a prepaid credit balance or yearly flat rate subscription, users have access to all databases.

Purchasing credits is easy via the web shop of Moditech Rescue
Solutions B.V.

All editions run on every modern Windows PC, laptop or tablet
PC. Also mobile / smartphone platforms are supported. For detailed
information regarding hardware options and requirements, contact

Online updates

The Crash Recovery System® has been developed with the future
in mind. As a result, database and/or software updates are available
online every 2 weeks (except for the Lite edition).

This ensures that the information in the database is always up to date, with the latest developments in the automotive industry available for the emergency services.

Emergency services have the option to schedule online update retrieval using a central update server at their premises or download updates directly from the update server at Moditech Rescue Solutions B.V.

The Crash Recovery System® software is available in five editions
containing all relevant vehicle information for emergency services
e-Call As a member of the European project committee for of the e-
Call development, Moditech Rescue Solutions B.V. is setting the standard in the use of e-Call information effectively.

Vehicles equipped with e-Call transfer valuable crash data directly after the crash to the alarm central.

This data will be used to identify the vehicle involved in the incident and this information is then transferred automatically to the Crash Recovery System®, allowing emergency services to review the vehicle information immediately on the way to the incident. At the same time, information about the status of the vehicle, safety restraint systems, number of occupants, and crash impact can be displayed by the Crash Recovery System®, allowing emergency services to prepare for the
relevant tasks.

Training course for vehicles with alternative propulsion To support emergency response services with the practical knowledge required to respond effectively to traffic incidents involving vehicles with alternative propulsion systems, Moditech Rescue Solutions B.V. has developed a training course specifically for this purpose. Besides all relevant technical information about alternative propulsion systems, emergency services will learn to use digital vehicle information effectively.

The training course is intended for instructors, officers and anyone else who is involved in the emergency response process.

After completing the course, students are able to:

Adequately recognise the limitations of the built-in safety systems of a vehicle with alternative propulsion during emergency situations.

Take measures focused on maximum efficiency and safety during incidents.

Effectively use digital information systems during emergency situations.

Training programme

Up to date overview of all common and alternative propulsion systems.

Basic principles and limitations of the emergency safety systems in a vehicle.

How to recognise potential hazards during emergency response situations.

Using digital information to work quicker and more safely.

Training of emergency scenarios using virtual reality tools.

Practical training using conventional scrap vehicles.

During the training course ‘Emergency response to incidents involving vehicles with alternative propulsion’ theoretical knowledge is combined with practical training Training programme options Theory module 3 x 45 min. (max. 12 students).

Presentation including ‘show-and-tell’ sample materials.

Course book and presentation material.

Practice scenarios using virtual reality simulation.

Development of your own training courses and practical exercises.

Practical module

Theory module (mandatory) followed by 3-4 hours of practical
training (max. 12 students).

Assessment of undamaged vehicles (depending on availability).

Practical training using conventional scrap vehicles.

Development of practical training exercises.

Theory & practical package

Theory and practical module in one day.

More information

Emergency services who are interested in one of the training
programs can contact the training department of Moditech Rescue
Solutions B.V. via

Via a monthly newsletter Moditech Rescue Solutions B.V. is
keeping emergency services and anyone else who is involved in the
emergency response process informed. To register for our
newsletter, please visit

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