This year the 13th International Water Mist Conference took place in Paris, France, from 16th to 17th October. Next year the annual conference of the International Water Mist Association (IWMA) will be held in Istanbul, Turkey. Dates will be 22nd and 23rd October 2014.
While during the last years the IWMA has always held its conferences in Central Europe the board has now decided to move further east. “By going to Istanbul with the 14th International Water Mist Conference, we would like to attract more delegates from Asia and the Middle East”, says Ragnar Wighus, chairman of the IWMA board of directors.
During this year’s conference 20 speakers gave presentations. They spoke about “codes & standards”, “research & testing” as well as “applications”. All of the presentations are available on the IWMA website.
In all 80 attendees from 19 countries attended the conference in Paris. About three quarters of the participants came from within Europe – the most of them came from France. The others had travelled to Paris from countries like Saudi Arabia, Australia, Japan and the United States.