Safer Systems, a leading chemical emergency response solutions provider has announced the debut of Safer Mobile Response, a smartphone and tablet supported application integrating the 2012 Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG2012) with the power of Google Maps, Google Traffic, and live weather updates and forecasting.
The app puts data at the fingertips of first responders and emergency services personnel first called to the scene of a dangerous goods incident. The app is now available for free via iTunes or the Google Play store.
‘First responders the world over have come to recognize the ERG as a trusted source for initial protective action distance information and response guidance. That crucial ‘but static’ printed information is now freely available for download onto smartphones and tablets where they are brought to life in Safer Mobile Response,’ said Safer Systems President Allen Edmund. ‘Safer Mobile converts the ERG protective distance charts into visual hazard zone plots and identifies key points of concern at risk using Google Maps and Google Places.’
‘The app takes the widely accepted ERG hazard zone guidance to the next level with real-time weather and traffic data to help responders plan their way to the incident scene and identify key municipal amenities at risk,’ said Safer System Vice-President of Sales and Marketing, Bob Gerow. ‘SAFER Systems has taken the guide and facilitated access to its crucial information by putting it on platforms that most responders have continuous access to, to help ensure the information is available, anywhere, anytime.’